Sunday, October 10, 2010

Attendance Updates


21 - Norbridge Seniors Centre Dinner / Aucution
23 - Went to forum with concerned citizens at Save-On-Foods with my campaign manager
24 - 2010 Parade of Homes Champagne Breakfast with the Home Builders Asscociation of Lethbridge.
29 - Downtown Revitalization Zone's business forum at The Public Library
30 - United Way Breakfast at The Coast Lethbridge.
30 - Forum at University of Lethbridge


1 - NordBridge Senior Centre - "Meet & Greet" the candidates
4 - Lethbridge Colege Environmental Election Forum
5 - ATB Lunch at The Coast Hotel Lethbridge (Alberta In The Changing Economy)
5 - Aboriginal Forum at the Medicine Tree Centre

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Newspaper Articles

Why me, you ask?

As a LOYAL and DEDICATED servant of the community, I can offer the citizens of Lethbridge
DIGNIFIED, DIPLOMATIC and VISIBLE representation as well as a RESPONSIBLE, EXPERIENCED and COMPETENT COMMON SENSE business approach to financial management and accountability.


  • Political appointment to PROVINCIAL MANPOWER BOARD
  • Member and past president of KINSMEN CLUB
  • Political appointment to SENATE- UNIVERSITY of LETHBRIDGE
  • Coordinated the restoration of LETHBRIDGE STREETCAR#8 as well as the publishing of a book documenting this effort


As Your Elected Mayor....

  • I will provide strong and competent leadership based on a SOLID BUSINESSbackground
  • I will encourage a COMMON SENSEapproach towards the planning and implementation of future visions and goals.
  • I will promote and maximize the talents and potential of all personnel towards ALL city issues.There is no "I" in TEAM. I will support a "LOCAL FIRST" approach using our own talents and expertise! KEEP IT LOCAL!
  • I will continue to meet the needs of our SENIORS - They made our Lethbridge.
  • I will encourage and support the REVITALIZATION of our unique downtown business core.
"I am a BUILDER by trade, so let's get down to the business 0f building an even BETTER community!  

Personal Profile

  • Born and raised in Lethbridge, Alberta
  • Self-made successful and respected businessman
  • Keen sense of business and financial responsibilities with a strong analytical and versatile approach in solving problems and maximizing resources
  • Family man - married to Brenda (30 years) with 4 children and 9 grandchildren


Day of Announcement

Support Appreciated!

To My Valued Friends and Colleagues:

It has been my pleasure to have had numerous successful ventures in my lifetime. I now find myself on a new and very exciting course. On October 18, 2010, I hope to become YOUR new Mayor in Lethbridge. In order to run a positive and successful campaign and to reach as many voters as possible in the way of advertising etc., I am seeking your support.

If you are able to assist me in this endeavor, I would greatly appreciate it. Contributions can be forwarded to me at the address below. YOU can make a difference in this election.

Best Regards,

Dennis R. Carrier
3502 - 10A. Ave. South
Lethbridge, Alberta 
T1K 0H4
403-328-9333 (home)
403-380-0715 (cellular) (email)

Announcement Speech

Last spring, I began getting encouragement from friends and colleagues to pursue a seat in this civic election because of a drastic need for change.  My own sense of political duty has been brewing for a much longer time.  AND SO, I brought you here to announce that I am running for Your New MAYOR in Lethbridge.

For you and for the City of Lethbridge, I offer this ;

  • As a loyal and dedicated servant of the community, I can offer the citizens of Lethbridge dignified, diplomatic and VISIBLE representation.
  • As your elected Mayor, I can provide strong and competent leadership based on a solid business background. Promoting and maximizing the talents and potential of all city personnel towards all city issues will be a major focus. Local talents and expertise will have priority as well.
Continuing to support the needs of our seniors is so important to all of us. They made Lethbridge the fine place that it is. I intend to use a COMMON SENSE approach towards the planning and implementation of future visions and goals.

I am a builder by trade, so let`s get down to the business of building an even better community .

With your support, I CAN DO THIS for Lethbridge.